Jazz student Alejandro (far right) is one of the 10 who is helping to build a home for the poor this week
This week during Spring Break, 10 honors students from Idyllwild Arts Academy are helping to build a home in California, as part of Habitat for Humanity. The students have been planning this trip for months, including hosting several fundraisers that helped them raise $2,387.42.
It was enough to cover their building expenses, but not living costs, said Chris Wegener, one of the three chaparones.
Their last fundraiser at the academy showcased five different types of poor homes from around the world, including a cardboard home. Before the fundraiser, it was shown just outside the lunchroom, and when it became rain soaked, it looked even more unlivable.
“It really got my attention,” said one student of the makeshift hut. “It would be miserable to live in a cardboard house like that. We ended up going to the fundraiser and buying stuff to help out.”
At the fundraiser, there was a wide range of facts posted next to each exhibit. There also were performances of all types, including music, dance, monologues and readings, all centered on the theme of social justice and homelessness.
“Some of the performances were particularly moving and truly inspired empathy in the students,” Chris said. “Aside from opening their eyes to the broader world, it also gave them ideas of how they could use their artistic interests for the common good.”
The 10 students that will be donating their labor and time come from a variety of artistic interests, including classical music, jazz music, musical theater and creative writing. They include: Rebecca, Amber, Lukas, Samantha, Madison, Alejandro, Allison, Austin, Scarlett and Alisha.
“My hope is that all of our students will stay a little more aware of world issues and even more open to volunteerism in the future,” Chris added.
For those 10 who will be hauling, hammering, sawing, painting, and sleeping on the floor, will have quite a story to tell. Photos and write-ups of their experience will be posted on the school’s blog site, Art in 3D, at www.artin3d.org.
Copyright 2011 Idyllwild Me. All rights reserved.
Mar 23, 2011 @ 15:44
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