Bestselling Writer Conceived Story in Idyllwild
June 20, 2011By Marcia E. Gawecki
“Pilgrim Girl,” earned Mary Otis a Pushcart Prize honorable mention (past winners include Raymond Carver and John Irving), and today she admitted to writing it in Idyllwild.
Mary was the sixth California author to be featured in the “Idyllwild Author Series” held at B’s Mountain of Books. Like the others, Mary is a friend of Eduardo Santiago, an Idyllwild resident, who started the series in May.
To date, the series has covered the novel, the memoir, the non-fiction narrative, and the short story.
“‘Pilgrim Girl’ is the first story in the collection, and I wrote it in a week in Idyllwild many years ago,” said Mary Otis, about her collection, “Yes, Yes Cherries.” “I’d work on it all day, and one night, I remember going to watch a Gene Hackman film in someone’s garage while eating peanut M&Ms.”
Some locals in the audience tried to recall if they were there at the time.
“Pilgrim Girl” tells the story about a 14-year-old girl’s crush on a married guy next door, and her far-reaching attempts to get his attention. She puts on her mother’s frosted wig and tries to impersonate a traveling saleswoman; only that she has no products to sell.
It seemed like everyone in the audience could relate to Mary’s humorous collection, which included stories about a drunken therapist and a fistfight on a first date.
Mary said that all of the events in the stories didn’t actually happen to her, but were pieces of her life. Some of them happened to someone else and she changed the stories around a bit.
“The fist fight on the first date happened to my friend,” Mary said. “She was taken to a bar-b-que at his ex-wife’s house, and then a fight broke out.”
Eduardo mentioned that Mary Otis started out as an actress, and wondered if her characters may have come out of that experience.
She started out acting in a neighborhood playhouse in Boston that actress Diane Keaton had also attended.
“They’d make us do everything, including ballet, jazz and fencing,” Mary recalled. “But it was such an intense program, that if you weren’t cutting it, you’d get cut. It was almost like improv, and it helped me immensely.”
Mary said that her short stories focus on family, relationships and are set partially in Los Angeles.
She said that living in Los Angeles for the past 20 years, has been rewarding, and the longest she’s lived anywhere. She grew up in a small town outside of Boston.
“LA is a strange, intense town,” Mary said.
In her first novel, she treats LA as a character itself.
“It’s tragic, desperate and gorgeous all in one,” she added.
She’s only written the first 50 pages of “Flight,” but read an excerpt anyway.
“My mother had two speeds,” Mary said. “Drunk or driven.”
She recounted a car ride in which her mother was playing “chicken” with another motorist in the passing lane on Route 3 in Cape Cod.
“Fucking hell!” her mother said in frustration, while she began hallucinating from fear. She remembered random answers to her junior high test questions and tried to breathe from her elbow.
Throughout the reading of “Flight,” the audience was laughing heartily.
“I know that I sound self-centered,” Eduardo said afterwards. “But I feel like you were talking to me. I’d like to buy that book.”
Mary said that she wasn’t sure if the manic driving excerpt would be at the beginning, middle or end of her book.
“It’s different from a short story,” Mary explained. “I don’t write in any particular order. Everything just comes in pieces.”
She admitted to writing the novel after being prompted by her agent to develop her writing beyond short stories. According to her web site, Mary Otis is an award-winning writer whose short story collection, “Yes, Yes, Cherries,” was published in 2007 by Tin House Books. She has had stories and essays published in Best New American Voices (Harcourt), the Los Angeles Times, Tin House, Berkeley Literary Journal, and the Santa Monica Review, among others. Originally from the Boston area, Mary is a fiction professor in the UC Riverside Low-Residency MFA Program where she is part of the core faculty.

(from L) Jeffrey Taylor talks to Mary Otis afterwards. He asked if she had any interest in her stories from the film industry.
Some of the questions from the audience asked about when her novel is due out, what she’s reading now, and if she could recommend a good writing book. Yet, it was a guy in the back who asked the best question.
“Have any of your short stories been picked up by the film industry?” asked Jeffrey Taylor, Green Cafe, who has hosted a weekly film series in Idyllwild for the past 14 years.
“Not any so far,” Mary said. “But my agent said there was some interest in one, but it didn’t go anywhere.”
“I would think that ‘Next Door Girl’ about a seamstress and a Russian hair model would make a good screenplay,” Eduardo interjected.
“That’s the one they were interested in!” Mary exclaimed.
Jeffrey said later that most movies are based on short stories.
“The people in the film industry don’t have time to read novels, but a short story they can get through quickly,” he said.
His father wrote mystery novels and later worked as a PR man for Warner Bros.
After the discussion, Mary signed copies of “Yes, Yes Cherries,” while others mingled, drank lemonade and ate Bing cherries.
Eduardo said that there wouldn’t be an Idyllwild Author Series event next Sunday because he’s graduating from UCLA. The next author, James Brown, will be featured on Thursday, June 30th, at a new venue, Cafe Aroma. He will read from his book, “This River.”
All Idyllwild Author Series events are free and open to the public. For more information, visit, or call B’s Mountain of Books at (951) 659-5018.
Copyright 2011 Idyllwild Me. All rights reserved.